Leader #1: To dedicate is to set apart for specific use. Throughout history, God’s people have dedicated their churches, their homes, their possessions, and their lives, to God, in recognition of God’s Lordship. We, the Eternal Life Missionary Baptist Church, come now to dedicate this building – this ministry center – in the same manner. We recognize this building as a visible sign of God’s provision. We receive it as a gift from God – through His people - and today, we humbly ask for God to bless the work of so many hands – and all the work that will be done for decades to come in and through this building. Today we consecrate this building and all its spaces to God and for God’s glory!
Leader #2: O give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good!
All: His mercies endure forever!
Leader #3: In your timing, O Lord, you have provided for Eternal Life Missionary Baptist Church’s ministry, so that we may serve you, this community, our world and each other more effectively and efficiently.
All: Thank you, God, for this house of prayer, worship, fellowship and service!
Leader #4: To this house we will come – to talk with you and to listen to you; to lift up our hearts and our voices as we call on your name; to seek your face, your will, and your way; to intercede on behalf of our family members, church, neighbors, government and community leaders, and also for our enemies and those who would cause us harm; to confess our sins and sinfulness, and to receive your forgiveness and restoration; to cast our cares upon you; and to find refuge and strength in YOU!
All: And from this house we will go out in obedience and power – into our homes, into this community, and into our world! We dedicate this HOUSE of PRAYER!
Leader #5: To this house we will come – to worship you and to praise your Almighty Name! Here we will tell of your unfailing love and amazing grace; we will sing of your great faithfulness and endless mercies; we will come thru these doors with praise, and into these rooms with gladness and joy! In this house we will shout our praises and exalt your Holy Name!
All: And from this house we will go to continue our worship in our daily living, offering our hearts, minds, spirits and bodies in worshipful praise and adoration to YOU ALONE! We dedicate this HOUSE of WORSHIP!
Leader #6: To this house we will come – to fellowship with and encourage one another; to learn to know each other better; to learn how to love one another more dearly and to care for each other more meaningfully; to nurture everyone’s gifts and celebrate everyone’s contribution. Here we will meet, and greet, and eat – yes, in this house we will enjoy the blessings of family, friends, food and fun. And here we will welcome the stranger as our family and friend!
All: And from this place we will go – to seek to build bridges across barriers; to endeavor to build Kingdom community wherever God calls us – extending God’s love and care to everyone and all creation! We dedicate this HOUSE of FELLOWSHIP!
Leader #7: To this house we will come – to serve, and to learn how to serve God and God’s Kingdom more fully and passionately. In this house we will study your Word and open our hearts to the teachings of your Holy Spirit. In this house we will discover, develop and learn to use our talents for God’s glory and the benefit of all creation, including humanity. In this house we will seek to make disciples who will transform their world by allowing the Holy Spirit to transform them! In this house we will seek to provide ministries and opportunities for addressing the needs and challenges of this community and the world.
All: And from this place we will go out – to give the hungry something to eat and the thirsty something to drink; to invite the stranger in and to cloth the naked; to look after the sick and to visit the prisoner! We will go to share the Good News of salvation and to make disciples of all nations! We dedicate this HOUSE of SERVICE!
ALL: So, in fact, we re-dedicate ourselves to the mission of God in the world – that in and from this house, the glory of God will go forth and fill the earth – even through our prayers, our worship, our fellowship, and our service! This is our PRAYER of DEDICATION! Amen! |